Eileen brings over 25 years of innovative health system renewal expertise. Eileen has led successful cross-sectoral healthcare improvement initiatives across Canada and the United States, and specializes in capacity building for integrated health service redesign, primary care access and efficiency, chronic disease management and prevention, and leadership for quality improvement. Her foundational work in forming community coalitions, leading partnerships in health and human service agencies, forming inter-professional networks and in propelling inclusive, trusting and strength-based initiatives have resulted in enhanced supports for equity seeking populations and to improving and sustaining performance at local, organizational, provincial and national levels.
Eileen has led large teams through her roles as Director of the Alberta Medical Association’s Accelerating Change Transformation Team and as Vice President, Quality Improvement of Health Quality Ontario. Eileen is co-author of the College of Family Physicians of Canada’s national Guide: The Case for Practice Facilitation within Primary Care: A Primer and Advocacy Guide. Examples of her visionary work include: Alberta’s Primary Care Practice Redesign Access Improvement Measures (AIM) Program, Ontario’s Resident’s first program for advancing quality in long term care, Alberta’s Towards Optimized Practice (TOP) Practice Facilitator Training, AMA’s Choosing Wisely Alberta Initiative, Alberta’s Safe Communities Initiative and Taber’s Integrated Primary Care Project.